As your partner in the trucking industry, we are here to help reduce your risk, increase safety, and fully navigate all the regulations. We work with large, small, or owner-operator companies. Our rates are reasonable and we would love to work with you to address your needs and form a plan to maximize your knowledge and responsibilities as a valuable member of the commercial trucking industry.
Motor Carrier regulates Manitoba’s motor carriers in a manner that enhances road safety, protects infrastructure, and promotes economic development through innovation and collaborative stewardship. This is achieved through program administration by the following business units:
Improving the Safety of Commercial Motor Vehicles
This Certificate is Issued as a matter of Information Only and confers no rights upon the certificate holder and Imposses no Ilabillity on the Insurer.
This Alfa Code will apply only to the company name shown above through
june 30, 2021. Approximately two months prior to expiration of this SCAC.NMFTA will provide an invoice for renewal which must be promptly return together with payment to ensure its continued validity.
An advocacy group working on behalf of the trucking industry.
The trucking industry is a vital and significant contributor to the Manitoba and Canadian economy. Trucking is an essential service important to the lives of Manitobans.,